Tuesday, December 16, 2008

It's a sleezy story

Sherman Mack repeatably attacking Scott Perrilloux yet we find out he is the one that is shady as he does not pay consultants for services rendered.

Now I find out I am not the only vendor that Sherman Mack has not paid his bills for. It's happened repeatably.

Is this just business? just politics or just another sleezebag lawyer?

You be the jury.

But obviously the fine residents of his district knew who the real crooked one was.

What you didn't hear in Sherman Mack's campaign ads

You heard about leadership, hard work and faith, but this is the part that was edited.

Leadership - He will lead you until he loses then he will abandon you for his own benefit.
Hard Work - You work hard for him then he screws you and you don't get paid.
Faith - Have faith that Sherman Mack is not a is not going to pay you for the work he contracted you for.
Values - He values his money, so much so he will not pay his obligations.

And to steal a quote from Paul Harvey, and now you know the rest of the story.

Coming soon

Coming soon, learn how a lawyer who wanted to be your D.A. does not pay his debts.